Steven J. Schochet Endowment

Headshot of someone standing outside of Bruininks Hall.

About the Steven J. Schochet Endowment

The Steven J. Schochet Endowment provides funding to support academic initiatives in LGBTQIA Studies at the University of Minnesota. Named for U of M alumnus Steven J. Schochet, the Endowment hosts lectures and symposia, highlighting important work being done in LGBTQIA Studies at the University of Minnesota and beyond. The endowment also directly supports research by offering a full-year Interdisciplinary Fellowship in Queer, Trans and Sexuality Studies, for PhD candidates at the University of Minnesota. 

About Steven J. Schochet

Steven J. Schochet was a student at the University of Minnesota in the late 1950’s. As an openly gay man, he received harassment from students, faculty and staff members. Steven was threatened with expulsion from the University due to his sexual orientation and, in order to continue his education, was required to undergo psychotherapy to “turn him straight.” 

After achieving success in the computer industry, Steven bestowed a generous endowment to the University of Minnesota's Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life (formerly the GLBTA Programs Office) in 1996. He called the endowment a “gift of accountability.”  By this Steven did not mean to reward the University, rather hold it accountable for its actions. The goal of this endowment is to improve campus climate for all LGBTQIA-identified students and to ensure that no student at the University receives the same, poor treatment that Steven did.

Steven J. Schochet Queer Research Symposium

Annually towards the end of the fall semester, the SJS Endowment and the GSC host a Queer Research Symposium. All students are welcome to apply, from undergraduate to graduate/professional studies. We also accept applications from faculty and staff engaging in queer-related research. Applications typically go live in October, so come back for more info on applying for the 2024 Symposium!

Come back in December for updates on applying for our funding opportunities!

Funding Opportunities

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Steven J. Schochet Interdisciplinary Fellowship in Queer, Trans, and Sexuality Studies


Applicants are eligible for the Schochet Interdisciplinary Fellowship in Queer, Trans and Sexuality Studies if they:

  • Are enrolled at a University of Minnesota campus during the 2024–25 academic year as a graduate student.
  • Pursuing research in the areas of queer, trans, and/or sexuality studies.
  • Will have passed the written and oral preliminary examinations and will have completed all program coursework including thesis credits by the end of spring semester 2024. (Nominee may be registered for program coursework in spring 2024, but may not have any incompletes in program coursework at the time of nomination).
  • Are making timely progress towards the completion of their degree.

At this time, the fellowship award is $20,000.

For more information, head to this link:

Course Development & Enhancement Grant in Queer& Trans Studies

The Steven J. Schochet Endowment for Queer and Trans Studies invites proposals for the creation of new courses in queer, gender, and sexuality studies, or for significant enhancement of existing courses in these fields. New or enhanced course proposals will work to meet the needs of the current context (i.e social. historical, and/or political) by addressing gaps in content knowledge areas.


University of Minnesota Twin Cities faculty, staff, and graduate students employed during the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 academic years are eligible to apply for funds. This year, we will be accepting applications from all University of Minnesota campuses.

Proposed courses must a) demonstrate a clear impact, b) be integrated into departmental curriculum, and c) not replicate existing courses in other University of Minnesota departments.

Award Details:

One (1) $2,500 will be granted to the proposer(s) for new or enhanced course in queer, gender, or sexuality studies. The number of awards given and the amount of the award(s) will depend on available funding, and will be determined by the Schochet Advisory Committee and Schochet Endowment Associate before announcing the results.

For more info and to apply:

Questions or Comments?

Contact the Schochet Endowment Associate, at [email protected].

History of Steven J. Schochet Endowment